Just as Americans are starting to fall in love with Hummus thanks to Pepsi who's a partial owner of Sabra hummus - and aggressively distributing it everywhere - a major recall has been announced by all media outlets.
Here's two segments by CNN and NPR.
It's a blow to Hummus lovers- as these type of recalls tend to influence buyers even after the danger has passed.
People tend to forget the details and just remember that Sabra Hummus is associated with Listeria.
Time will tell what the outcome will be.
Let's hope the love fest between Northern American food lovers and Hummus will continue.
And here's more info from the food safety website:
Sabra Recalls 30,000 Cases of Classic Hummus for Possible Listeria Risk
Sabra Dipping Co. LLC of White Plains, NY, has recalled 30,000 cases of Sabra Classic Hummus due to the possible presence of Listeria monocytogenes.

Only certain lots of the Classic Hummus are being recalled, and no other Sabra products are affected. There are no reported cases of illnesses to date.
The recalled products and product codes are:
040822011143/300067 – Sabra Classic, 10 oz. – 3-059/Best before May 11, 2015
040822011143/300067 – Sabra Classic 10 oz. – 3-060/Best before May 15, 2015
040822014687/300074 – Sabra Classic, 30 oz. – 3-059/Best before May 11, 2015
040822342049/301216 – Sabra Classic Without Garnish, 32 oz. – 3-059/Best before May 11, 2015
040822017497/301290 – Sabra Classic, 17 oz. Six Pack – 3-058/Best before May 11, 2015
040822017497/301290 – Sabra Classic, 17 oz. Six Pack – 3-059/Best before May 11, 2015
040822342209/301283 – Hummus Dual Pack Classic/Garlic – 3-058/Best before May 11, 2015
Consumers are advised to throw out any product with those codes, which are on the top of each package. The recalled products may also be returned to the store where purchased for a refund. Those with questions may call Sabra at 888-957-2272 Monday through Friday.
In healthy individuals, infection with Listeria monocytogenes may cause short-term symptoms such as high fever, severe headache, stiffness, nausea, abdominal pain and diarrhea. However, young children, the elderly or those with compromised immune systems can contract serious and sometimes fatal infections. Listeria can also cause miscarriage and stillbirth in pregnant women.
This article quoted from: